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      5. How long should a new resin driveway last?

      If you are wanting a driveway that will last the test of time, then there is no better way of doing that then choosing the best material on the market.

      You will find that resin driveways are at the moment the in thing in Yorkshire, we have found the number of people selecting resin as their driveway surface choice has surged over the last couple of years.

      A lot of homeowners opt for a cheaper option than resin because in comparison it is expensive to other driveway surfaces. But you will find that resin offers more benefits than other surface types such as its durability.

      But ….”How long should a resin driveway last?” is a very common question we are asked when giving estimations, as long as you take care of your driveway and maintain its up keep there isn’t a reason why it won’t last over 20 years!

      Investing in a new resin driveway means you will need to do your research into the installation company, make sure they know what they are doing, have been installing driveways for some time and that you can read and view recent work carried out.

      Some of the key factors that will make your new resin driveway last for years to come

      Resin driveways need to be installed to the correct specifications, these are industry accepted. It’s always important to make sure the right materials are used.

      Installing resin not to the correct specifications or using substandard materials means the driveway won’t last the amount of time that it should.

      We hold industry accepted accreditations, so that you can be sure that you won’t have any faults here.

      A resin driveway should be kept maintained throughout its life, any stains she be washed through as soon as possible, this is because resin is permeable and stubborn stains can become troublesome to remove if not washed through when first making contact with the resin.

      A yearly power clean to keep unwanted growth away such as weeds, moss and lichen, this should be sufficient.

      Yorkshire Resin Company

      If you would like a free onsite survey then contact us directly through our online contact forms or by calling is on 0113 323 3548.

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