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      5. Make sure you’re ready for winter

      The nights are becoming darker and days are becoming colder, which can only mean one thing, winter is soon upon us. So what should we be doing in the garden in and around your resin driveway and patio area?

      • Rake up fallen leaves – This will prevent the resin driveway from becoming stained and possibly slippery when wet. Unfortunately this is the time of the year when maintenance is key so make sure all debris is removed. This can be cleaned with a stiff brush and some soapy water, or call our sister company Power Clean UK.
      • Maintain your borders – Make sure you tidy up and prune back any borders you have, remove all dead foliage, leaves and weeds.
      • Look after you lawn – It’s important to rake or remove thatch and moss from the lawn, this will allow the lawn to breathe and grow freely during the winter months.
      • Outdoor lighting – This is a must for the when the dark winter nights kick in, extra lighting will bring highlights to areas of the garden and driveway for visual effect and for safety aspect.
      • Kill weeds – Weeds don’t just occur during the warmer summer months but can occur all year around, before the wetter days kick in make sure to use a weed killer and remover those weeds from around the path area.

      The Yorkshire Resin Company  

      We’ve been installing resin driveways all across Yorkshire for a number of years so we know what a Yorkshire winter can do to your garden. It’s always best to prepare in advance.

      Resin driveways don’t take much maintenance as you look as you keep up to your annual clean, keep contaminated debris from the surface and just general care and attention.

      If you are interested in a new resin driveway then feel free to contact us via one of our online forms.

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