3 Pros of a Resin Driveway

Home While a driveway might at first seem to serve only a practical purpose, they can contribute a lot more to property aesthetics than some might think. As something that is always exposed and usually at the front of the home, the driveway is nearly always visible. For people that care about how their home […]
How to Get the Most Out Of Your Resin Surface

Home Have you recently had your driveway renovated? Have you finished looking on in awe and amazement as to how smooth and shiny it looks? Don’t worry, this reaction is completely normal. Much like gazing at a new car or the latest mobile phone – you’re scared to use it in case the new look […]
Why Choose Resin for Your Patio?

Home What could be better than relaxing in the sun, drink in one hand and bestseller in the other, on your very own patio? Not much, we think you’ll agree! Even though the Great British weather can be unreliable at the best of times, one thing you can rely on is a resin patio – […]